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Terms of ServiceBy using the Bluehog Gaming Studio or its services you are agreeing to this Terms of Service even if you have not read it or are unaware of any changes.IntroductionBluehog Gaming Studio is a fan site dedicated to the Sonic the Hedgehog Fandom. The Bluehog Gaming Studio makes no profit whatsoever and exsits solely as a place to allow fans to gather and share their creativity from the Fandom in various forms.Sonic and all related characters are trademarks or SEGA™ and Sonic Team™. Bluehog™, and the Bluehog Gaming Studio™ are not in anyway affiliated with SEGA™ or Sonic Team™. Everything on this website is freeware and should not be sold at any price. Defination of TermsBluehog Gaming Studio may through the rest of this Terms of Service be address by its appreviation BGS.BGS Games are any of the games created for the Bluehog Gaming Studio by its staff. The current list includes -Knuckles Treasure Hunt -Little Planet Returns -Showdown -Sonic Battle -Sonic Battle 2 -Sonic Battle Hedgehog Style -Sonic Battle III -Sonic Chaos Trouble -Sonic Rift -Super Mario Panic -Tales of the Past Staff The staff of the BGS are those with admin privillages who can perfrom administartion actions on site. A list of the staff can be found here. There are also non-human staff members on this, the bots such as Administration Bot. Visitor Any person browsing the BGS. Code of ConductAll visitors and members of the BGS are expected to follow the following behavioral guidelines when posting content anywhere on the BGS. Guests and Members will refrain from posting the following
Profanity Members will refrain from posting the following
Spamming Forbidden spamming includes but is not limited to the following
Other spamming included
Attacks on the other groups The following is forbidden on the BGS, weather its directed to any person or group, living or dead.
Confidential Information Members and guest will refrain from posting confidential information, weather related to their self or another individual. This includes but is not limited to the following
Impersonate the BGS or DPN Staff Members and guests may not impersonate the staff of the Bluehog Gaming Studio as defined on the staff page. Impersonating the BGS or DPN staff will result in a warning then a ban. Illegal activities The BGS is located in the United States and is subjected to all the laws of that area. Any posting or activities that involve breaking of laws will be removed and the authorities will be notified. Other Content Other content may be restricted and any posted content may be removed by the staff at anytime for any reason All posting must be in English unless called for otherwise. Members may use the following
The above writing may not be used in excess as deemed by the staff. MembershipMembership is acquired by registering on the BGS. The registration link is located in the upper corner of the BGS.Guests Guests are regular visitors to the BGS. They are either people who have not registered or have not logged in. Guests have minimal posting power on the BGS, being restricted to the shoutbox certain sections of the forum. Guests may have to complete a CATCHPA challenge prior to posting any content. Guests who violate the Terms of Service may have their IP banned, preventing them from future activities on the BGS. Validating When a new account is registered it is put in validating status. A validating member has the same privillages as a guest with access to the PM system. A e-mail with a code is sent to the member's e-mail address and serves to activate full membership. Accounts left in Validating Status for more then one month are automatically deleted. Members Members are users who have registers on the BGS and are currently logged in. Members can post links in the shoutbox and submit content to the BGS. Members who violate the Terms of Service may have their posting abilities revoked or suspended. Beta Testers Beta Testers are members who have chosen to participate in the BGS Beta Testing program. They try new features and products at the BGS before they have a general public release. Beta Testers have agreed not to reveal any information on unreleased features and products without staff permission. Members may join the Beta Testing program through filling an application out on the Beta Tester page when available. Moderators Moderators are members who have higher powers to aid the staff in enforcing the rules set forth by this Terms of Service. Moderators are choosen at the staff's discretion. Staff Member Staff Members are the administrators of the BGS. They have unlimited posting privileges and moderation powers throughout the web site. They are unpaid volunteers who either run the BGS and/or create its products. Staff members are not above the Terms of Service. Members may apply for one of the positions in staff through the staff application page when available. Bots Bots are automated programs that run on a website. Most parts are not allowed on the BGS except for its built in bots. The BGS Bots have special permissions on the site and act like regular staff members. BGS Bots are identified in that their name, in all circumstances, come in itallic text. BGS Bots include: -Report Bot -Comment Bot -Submission Bot -Administration Bot -Query Bot -Beta Bot -Point Bot Banned Users Members who have violated the Terms of Service have had their user account banned from the BGS. They are still able to view the site but can no longer post content. Guests who violate the Terms of Service will have their IP address banned from the site. Do not speak up for banned users. They have been banned for a reason and communicating for them may result in administration against you. If you feel you are unjustly banned then contact the staff and state your case. Ban-Dodging is creating a new account when the first has been banned. This ban-dodging will land an instant ban on the new account. SUBMISSION GUIDELINESBy submitting content to the BGS you agree that you either own the copyright for the content or have received permission to post it here.You must be a logged in member to submit content. All submitted content to the BGS must follow the code of conduct. All submitted content must be related to Sonic the Hedgehog or related characters unless staff permission otherwise has been obtained. By submitting content to the BGS you agree that the BGS has the right to publicly host said content on this website. Bluehog Gaming Studio and its staff will not repost submitted content elsewhere on the Internet with its creator’s permission and by its creator's request. Videos Videos submitted to the BGS Video Listing are hosted on Youtube and are subject to Youtube’s Terms and Conditions. Videos must not violate the BGS Code of conduct Videos must be created by the member submitting the video or be submitted with permission from its creator. Fan Games Fan Games may be either host or linked to. All fan games must be rated upon submission according to the ESRB rating system. Fan Game submissions must include four screenshots including the following.
Forbidden content in Fan Games includes but is not limited to the following
Games must be rated according to their content. Use the ESRB rating system when rating a game. -Games that would be rated Ec, E, E10, and T normally are accepted on the BGS -Games that would be rated M are evaluated and may or may not be accepted based on content -Games that would be rated Ao are not accepted on BGS, period Improper ratings may be changed or the game may be deleted. Character Profiles Character Profiles on the BGS include two categories, official characters and fan characters. Only one charcter per profile and each profile must be about a character. Do not make multiple profiles for one character. All characters must include a name, nicknames, age, species, and main profile information. Members may edit or add official character profiles. Official characters must be included in at least one of the following
Fan character profiles can only be edited by their creator and the BGS Staff. They are subject to the same code of conduct as normal content. - Members may only submit their own fan characters Character Profile content for fan characters must be owned by you or have permission to upload it, including the profile image. Simple editing of another person's artwork or official artwork does not give you the right to post it. Extensive editing of official artwork is permitted however. Comics Members may submit their own Sonic the Hedgehog fan comics. Comics may be in any medium. Different chapters of a comic should be submitted as seperate comics using the same name with different subnames. Wallpapers Future Section Flash Movies Future Section All content submitted to the BGS must be created by the submitter or the submitter must obtain written permission to post it. - When posting content not created by the submitter credit must be given. - Just giving credit is not the same as obtaining permission. - Falsifying claims of permission or copyright is grounds for administrative action. The BGS reserves the right to refuse or remove any submitted content at any time for any or no reason with or without notification All submissions are logged by Submission Bot ONLINE SCORESVarious games created by the BGS may allow for online score saving and rating.To submit online scores the player must have an account on the BGS and the game must be allowed to communicate on the internet. Online scoring is subject to the following
Members who create false scores or tamper with the scores of others may be forbidden from using online scoring and may recieve a ban from the BGS FORUMWhen using the BGS Forum be sure to follow the basic guidlines
On occasion you may find a locked topic. These topics have been locked for various reasons, usually due to a TOS violation. Do not attempt to reopen that conversation without consulting a staff member first. Sticky Topics Sticky topics will appear at the top of a board and are not affected by page browsing. Topic are made sticky at the staff's descrition, do not ask to make your topic sticky. Role PlayingRole Playing (RP) is a form of online interation on the forum. The creator of the RP is the person who started the topic and sets the rules of the RP. They are known as the RP Leader. The rules they set may include but is not limited to the following-Sign Ups -Character Restrictions -Style of Role Play -Other Rules for the RP. Remember to respect the rules of the RP. And follow proper ettiquette including but not limited to the following (these are a basis and can only be waived by the RP Leader) -No Needless killing -No Needless conflict (Exampe: Character A meets character B for the first time and is attacked for no reason) -No Omni- characters. Omnipowerful are all power characters that can do anything and/or invincible. Omnipotent characters are all knowing and know everything, including a secret never mentioned aloud. These are also known as GOD characters. -No God Modding. There is no god modding allowed period. God Modding is controlling another person's character. An RP leader or BGS Staff may move a character out of the way for plot purposes or to remove an idel character from a situation so the RP can continue. -Do not kill or permanetly effect another person's character without their expressed permission. Please think out your posts and characters so the RPs can be enjoyable for everyone. CONTENT DISTRIBUTIONContent created by the BGS may only be redistributed to other websites with permission from the BGS Staff unless noted otherwise.Submitted content marked will have any of the following distribution codes, governing its redistribution. - “BGS ONLY” – content may not be redistributed - “LINK TO” – content may be reposted if a link to the original site is provided. - “NOTIFICATION REQUIRED” – content may be reposted if the creator is notified. - “FREE USE” – content may be reposted freely Any of the above may be waived with the permission of the creator. Content may also be governed under a Creative Commons license. Redistribution is then governed by the Creative Commons license. COPYRIGHTAll official content on this site is copyright to its respective owners. See the Disclaimer section of this Terms of Service. Members must own the copyright of their submitted content or have obtained permission to post it. Content found in violation of this will be removed without notification. PointsPoints on the BGS from here on refers to
Members must agree to these terms in their user control panel in order to use the points sytem. Points may only obtained by the following
Actions members may not do to increase points include but are not limited to the following
The Staff Reserve the right to void any and all points gained and suspend a members ability to use points at any time for any reason. Rings are a currency used on the BGS -Rings may be given from a level 5 or higher member to another level 5 or higher member. -Rings can be used for purchasing various virtual items from the BGS and authorized compatible games. -There are no refunds for any rings given or spent, barring technical issues as determined by the staff. Member Levels are automatically generated based on current EXP. Members may not request for additional EXP or Levels. EXP, Rings, and Levels have no real world value and have no value outside the BGS. Youth MembershipBGS is a site dedicated to fun, games, and activities people of all ages can enjoy. However under the Children's Online Privacy and Protection Act there are a few restrictions.The BGS collects two indentifing pieces of information upon registration (e-mail & birthdate) and several more may be entered after registration. In compliance with COPPA the information collected upon registration is locked and hidden when the age, as indicated by the Birth Date, is less then 13. Parental Consent is then required for the Youth Member to use their account and it may be configured to have the following -Posting Privelages will allow the youth member to post content to the BGS, such as forum posts, character profiles, etc. -Profile Posting will allow the youth member to add contact information to their profile if they so choose. Parents may indicate which option, both, or neither may be used for their child's account or if the account should be deleted and may change this at anytime. Information on how parents may contact BGS is including in the validation e-mail for youth members. At all times age, birthday, and e-mail address is hidden for youth members from all visitors to the BGS. At no time will the BGS or its Staff use or make public private information collected without consent from the individual or where required to by law. All youth member accounts automatically upgrade to full membership upon reach 13 years of age. DISCLAIMER AND LEGALBluehog Gaming Studio and its staff are in no way affiliated with or related to SEGA, Sonic Team, or any other company.Bluehog Gaming Studio is a non-profit fan site for Sonic the Hedgehog. All downloadable content on the BGS is freeware and may not be sold at any price. Downloadable content may only be reposted on other sites with the permission of its creator. Sonic the Hedgehog and all related official characters are copyright SEGA/Sonic Team. Characters from the TV shows are copyright the companies that created that show. Characters from the Archie comics are copyright Archie Comics. Fan Characters and submitted works are copyrighted to their creators. Content and messages posted by the members and guests of this site do not reflect the opinions or views of the Bluehog Gaming Studio or its staff. Bluehog Gaming Studio and its staff are not responsible for content submitted to this site. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any submitted content. We are not responsible for the contents of any message posted on this site including messages containing copyrighted material or content some visitors may find offensive. Bluehog Gaming Studio and its staff are not responsible for any content or aspect of any site that is linked to at the BGS. THE BGS STAFF RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ENFORCE ANY PUNISHMENT THEY FEEL NECESSARY WITH OR WITHOUT GIVING YOU PRIOR OR POST NOTIFICATION. STAFF RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJUST ANY PUNISHMENT AS DEEMED NECESSARY Do not be a vigilante of the rules. If you spot a violation that we have missed please alert the staff and let them handle it. Taking matters into your own hands may result in administrative action against you or your account. This Terms of Service is subject to change at any time, for any reason, with or without notification. Remember the spirit of the law here is more important then the letter. If you think you have found a technicallity to break a rule, you haven't. Last updated March 27, 2011 | |||||
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•DieBro Newest Submission: •Tyler the Great •Fan Characters •By Ariana the Echidna Newest Score: •Super Mario Panic •1-1 •Deaths 101 •By fahyda Newest Forum Post: •By Bluehog • In Moving Locations • At 6/8/2015 11:23:12 | |||||
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View Sign | Sonic and all related characters are trademarks or SEGA™ and Sonic Team™. Bluehog™, and the Bluehog Gaming Studio™ are not in anyway affiliated with SEGA™ or Sonic Team™. Everything on this website is freeware and should not be sold at any price. |
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