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Sonic Recharged Logo

Sonic Recharged Logo Sonic Recharged Level Title Sonic Recharged Jade Valley Sonic Recharged Special Stage
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Sonic Recharged is the first BGS Game in over a decade. Currently only a demo is available

Moving away from multimedia fusion and the games facotry Sonic Recharged uses Gamemaker and a brand new physics based engine.
Compatible with both controller and keyboards. While it can be used with a joystick it is recommended to use a D-Pad or Keyboard.

Join Sonic on a solo mission to defeat Doctor Robotnik as he tries to exploit the resorces and populace of Jade Island in his bid for world domination! Stop Robotnik and find the chaos emeralds.

Sonic has three special moves to help him on his way.
  1. Spin Dash — By holding down and pressing jump Sonic Revs into a fast spinning ball. Press jump repeatedly to charge and release down to take off. Move at high speed and damage enemies, but due to being curled up Sonic can't maintain the speed. Excellent for spinning up hills and defeating enemies.
  2. Peel Out — By holding up and pressing jump Sonic revs his feet into a blur. Charges automatically. Release up to take off a high speed. As Sonic is on his feet he can maintain his speed. Excellent for taking off at full throttle.
  3. Drop Dash — By holding jump again after jumping without a shield, or with the blue shield, Sonic charges up the drop dash. Upon hitting the ground Sonic rockets forward. The drop dash is best used while already moving as it adds to whatever speed you currently have.
In additon due the latent energy of Jade Island Sonic can charge up energy by collecting items and defeating enemies. The energy dissipates but upon reachging full charge Sonic gains additional speed and jumping abilities. In the charged state Sonic can even take an additional hit though will loose the charge when he does so. Sonic gains bonus points continously in the charged state so use this to increase your rank score.

As this game is a demo is may not completely represent the final version. All assets and gameplay subject to change during development
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