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Entered TextBBCode Those marked with * can be used in the shoutbox *Bold - Makes text Bold [b]#CONTENT#[/b] becomes Bold *Underline - Underlines Text [u]#CONTENT#[/u] becomes Underline *Itallic - Makes Text Ittalic [i]#CONTENT#[/i] becomes Itallic *Strike - Strikes through text [s]#CONTENT#[/s] becomes Horizontal Rule - Creates a horizontal seperation [hr] becomes Ordered List - Makes an ordered list when combined with [*] [ol]#CONTENT#[/ol] becomes
Unordered List - Makes an unordered list when combined with [*] [ul]#CONTENT#[/ul] becomes
List Element - Generates a list element when combined with [ul] or [ol] [*] becomes
Image - Posts an image. Replace #CONTENT# with the URL of the image [img]#CONTENT#[/img] becomes Line Break - Creates a new line manually [br] becomes Center - Centers Text [center]#CONTENT#[/center] becomes Center
Left - Left Sides Text [left]#CONTENT#[/left] becomes Left
Right - Puts text on the right side [right]#CONTENT#[/right] becomes Right
*Member Name - Creates a link to a member profile. Replace #CONTENT# with the number of that member (recommended) or their name [member]#CONTENT#[/member] becomes Guest Link - Creates a URL link [url=#OPTION#]#CONTENT#[/url] becomes Link *Page Name - Display a BGS Page Name [page]#CONTENT#[/page] becomes BB Code Sandbox Tab - Creates an indent [tab] becomes *Fan Character - Creates a link to a fan character with current name. [fc]#CONTENT#[/fc] becomes |