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Fan Fiction

Entering the Chaos
Part Two

Last Updated Oct 06, 2010 21:22:45
A small bell placed over the door rung as the customer left the store. Savera sighed slightly; it had been a busy morning. Two days ago most of the local gang had been eliminated. The news was abuzz with rumors and investigative reports. The gang had been knocked out in the alleyways near Savera's shop. They had been unconscious and unable to resist as they were taken into custody. Police, investigators, and every curious person around stopped by the shop for a snack or some food while on break.

The news reports on the television and the reports in the paper all had no leads. Investigators were completely baffled as to the cause. Whatever had knocked out the entire gang had also gouged the ground and walls of the alley. No known weapon or device could leave marks like that and not kill anyone it impacted.

The reports gave Savera great cause for amusement. She knew well what had taken the gang out. The gang had been eliminated right in front of the fox's eyes. They were actually targeting her and her store when a stranger who had a mysterious power had saved her. It was this power that had flattened the entire gang in an instant. The two had left before police showed up.

Savera glanced over at the coffee machine. A white hedgehog with black stripes was currently refilling the machine. This hedgehog was the very same one who had saved her that night.

After they got back Savera had found out more about who had saved her.

"I think you'll be safe here." The hedgehog had said that night, his thick Irish accent prominent in his speech. He had lead the two of them back to the shop.

Savera unlocked the door and stepped inside. "Come on she said, holding the door."

The hedgehog held his hands up and shook his head, "No, I've caused enough commotion around you already."

"Come on," Savera insisted, "At least let me get you something as thanks."

The hedgehog shook his head again, "Thanks are not…"

He stopped talking when Savera reached out and tried to pull him inside. However much to the fox's surprise he was extremely heavy and she could barely make his arm move. "What the… what are you?" she asked.

Both of their ears twitch as the sound of nearby sirens. "Fine, I'll come. I really dislike dealing with the police," he said.

As he came in Savera shut and locked the door behind them. After grabbing two bottles of water she setup to chairs in the back room. She tossed one of the water bottles to the hedgehog, "Here, take a seat."

"Its okay, I'm fine stand…" he began but Savera cut him off.

"You really should accept the kindness of others sometime, after how kind you obviously are," she said.

The hedgehog sighed, "Okay, you have a point there," he said as he said down. The chair creaked slightly, "I'm just so overcautious I guess."

Savera held out a hand, "We didn't get to introduce ourselves too well back there. I'm Savera."

He reached his hand out and shook, "My name is Verdo."

Savera's curious nature got the better of her, "You mentioned the chaos hedgehogs earlier. I was just wondering, what did you mean by that?"

Verdo stopped for a moment before rubbing his forehead, "I can't tell you how many times I've been asked that. I might as well tell you though. Just don't go blabbing about it. If everyone knew life would get a lot more complicated."

Savera shook her head, "I won't tell."

Taking a deep breath Verdo flicked off the cap for his water bottle, "Nearly two hundred and fifty years ago a man named Gerald Robotnik had been working on a project to create the ultimate life form. The goal of the ultimate life form project with to create a living weapon, capable of independent thought, learning, and stronger then any weapon ever built. The result was the artificial life form known as Shadow."

Savera's ears perked up, "I've heard of him. He's still around today isn't he?"

Verdo nodded, "Somewhere, I don't keep tabs on him that well. Could find him if I wanted to though. Anyways, the ultimate life form project in the end was deemed a success, despite several problems courtesy of the military."

"I've heard this story before, it's taught in school." Savera said.

"Just wait," Verdo replied, "Its important. Several factors set Shadow apart from other living things as the ultimate life form. First is his muscle density is greater then a normal creatures. This makes him heavy but incredibly strong. It also renders him unable to swim. His bones are also denser, once again making him heavier but making his bones stronger then steel. He can virtually see in the dark and most importantly he can easily utilize the power of the Chaos Emeralds."
Saver gasped slightly, the Chaos Emeralds were powerful gems drawing limitless energy from some unknown source. All seven were kept in vaults controlled by the military for safety. They had all been a source of conflict during the Great War two centuries prior so the military had deemed it necessary to lock them away for good.

"Now I'm going to tell you something the general public does not know." Verdo said, holding up a finger, "The ultimate life form was designed based around the properties of some alien blood. This alien had the ability to utilize the power of the Chaos Emeralds. Gerald had modified and indeed had enhanced the blood and engineered its DNA to create the ultimate life form. Unknown to everyone at the time some more batches of this new blood were stored away on the research station ARK.

Now this is where things get interesting. Fifty years ago as the ARK was being readied for dismantlement and destruction this modified alien blood was found again. The scientists decided they could take Gerald's experiment one-step farther. Modifying the DNA of the blood once again they created seven more individuals, seven more ultimate life forms. All the properties from the first were present in these new ultimate life forms, as well as one other property. As they were created their cells were infused with energy from the Chaos Emeralds.

The goal was to try to create an ultimate life form with an internal power source. Each of the seven was infused with the power of a different chaos emerald. The experiment was a success, these seven had basically become walking chaos emeralds. There was an unforeseen side effect though, the energy from the chaos emeralds stained much of the bodies of the seven, leaving black streaks where it hadn't stained the quills."

Savera looked Verdo over, his incredible strength, his weight, and he was a strange white color with black striped. It all was adding up in her mind, "That means…"

Verdo nodded, "Because the seven could use chaos energy they become known in the small group as the Chaos Hedgehogs. And as you've guessed, I am one of them. I am Verdo, Ultimate Life Form."

That had been two nights ago. Since then Verdo had asked if he could help around the shop as he had no money and no place to stay. With a laugh Savera had granted his request. Now he was fighting with the coffee machine as it slowly stated up from being refilled.

Closing the machine up Verdo turned to Savera, "Machine's refilled. It'll take about half an hour to heat up the water though."

Savera nodded, "That's okay. How about you and I go to the café for lunch while it heats back up?"

Verdo held his hands up in surrender, "Fine by me. I've learned you don't take no for an answer anyways."

Savera flipped the sign in the window over to "Closed" and put a small sign next to it reading "Out to lunch, back at this time" with the hands on the clock referencing half an hour later. The two of them left and locked up the store.

It was a small stroll to the outdoor café that Savera liked to eat at. After they ordered their food they sat and talked for a while. "So how you liking it here?" she asked.

"Its okay," Verdo replied, stirring his tea, "Nice and relaxing from some other work I've done. Wouldn't mind staying for a few years."

"Well ain't that a shame," a deep gruff voice behind Verdo said. Verdo spun around and Savera looked over his head. Standing five meters from Verdo was the bear leader of the gang Verdo had taken out.

"Thought you saw the last of us last time?" the bear said, "Guess again."

To be continued...
Last Chapter

This story is Copyright Bluehog. Bluehog Gaming Studio is not responsible not claim any ownership for its content. This work may not be reproduced, copied, or altered without the express permission from its owner.
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