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Character Rating TestOriginal and Fan characters come in a wide variety of shapes and powers. But how do they stack up against each other.Answer all the questions below accurately about any particular character to see how they rate on the charts. The higher the number the more higher profile/abilities the character has. During this test Magic refers to any supernatural force. Magic in the traditional sence, strange and mysterious powers, and any other energy not seen on earth. Answer questions based on the character without an outside soure modify or any other non-permanent effect. Permanent effects include spells that don't wear off, mechanical implants, or other means that cannot be easily removed. If multiple answers fit choose the one with the more extreme answer. Rating is 49 Reset | |||||
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•DieBro Newest Submission: •Tyler the Great •Fan Characters •By Ariana the Echidna Newest Score: •Super Mario Panic •1-1 •Deaths 101 •By fahyda Newest Forum Post: •By Bluehog • In Moving Locations • At 6/8/2015 11:23:12 | |||||
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